Doxygen pdf output style

Doxygen miktex pdf underfull \\hbox and \\vbox warnings will display suboptimal text in the output. Two different styles can be used for doxygen comments. There are two different styles you can use for doxygen comments again, stolen shamelessly from the doxygen page the qt style, where special documentation blocks look like. The following are examples of documented methods using doxygen style in the. Doxygen requires different image formats for the different output types. There is also support for generating output in rtf, postscript, hyperlinked pdf, compressed html, and unix man pages. In order to ensure that your source code has adequate documentation, we will be requiring that your code be fully documented using doxygen, a documentation system for c similar to javadoc. When using doxygen to produce documentation where latex commands are included, latex must be available on the system.

Doxygen is a popular inline api documentation standard used in many open source software projects. Tips for writing doxygen documentation rosettacommons. This corresponds to the following html output notes on doxygen style. The output from doxygen can come in many formats, including. Since the documentation for doxygen is new, you may need to create initial versions of those related topics. What is the correct way of generating pdf using doxygen. I need to make a pdf version of this and using doxygen s latex output appears to be the way to do it. Doxygenusers how to configure doxygen to change the output format pdf file of a c structure. You can also let doxygen use a custom header and footer for each html page it generates, for instance to include a logo or to make the doxygen output blend in with the rest of the web site.

The derived version of tex the pdftex can be used to produce pdf output instead of dvi, or the. Doxygen is using the comments in the code to generate the documentation. I need to make a pdf version of this and using doxygens latex output appears to be the way to do it. This started as work done by stratify labs and was extended further here. Learning doxygen for source code documentation ibm developer. If its not visible to you, then you can probably ignore it. Getting started the executable doxygen is the main program that parses the sources and generates the documentation. To generate a manual for your project you typically need to follow these steps. To improve the pdf output, you typically would want to enable the. The following sections provide guidelines for openocd developers who wish to write doxygen comments in the code or this manual. The default output directory is the directory in which doxygen is started. Im hoping this is just a question of finding out how to enable these output options can someone can tell me exactly what steps we need to take to convert doxygen latex output hope ive understood things thus far.

Doxygen combines the rtf output to a single file called refman. Doxygen will create a html, rtf, latex andor man directory inside the output directory. Section perl module output format documentation shows how to use the. In any case, the website doxygen creates is wonderful, but ugly. Section output formats shows how to generate the various output formats supported by doxygen. The new version works well, however, i really dont like the html style. The class inheritance graph and collaboration graph generated using the dot tool code documentation style. So far, youve used doxygen to extract information from code that is otherwise undocumented. Generate a pdf version of the manual you will need pdflatex, makeindex, and egrep for this. This page will give you a basic summary of some of the things youll need to know about doxygen.

Dont try to make the new layout look like the old one. As the names suggest these directories contain the generated documentation in html, rtf, and unixman page format. How should i change the doxygen configuration file to do this. I like to change the order how certain doxygen sections appear in the latex output. This quick hack does not include all style sheet changes to make every possible doxygen output look like qt docs. For pdf output, pdflatex is required as well as a number of tex packages such as texlivextab and texlivetocloft. This document serves as a brief overview of doxygen and the features you will use on a regular basis. Luckily i found doxygen bootstrapped which applies the goodness of bootstrap. The format specific directory within the output directory can be selected using the. Some messages about default to 91 can be ignored by hitting enter key. Ways to structure the contents of a comment block such that the output looks good, as explained in section anatomy of a comment block. Aug 31, 2015 in order to ensure that your source code has adequate documentation, we will be requiring that your code be fully documented using doxygen, a documentation system for c similar to javadoc. The overall html output looks different, while i only wanted to use my own html header file. The section xml output show how to generate whatever output you want based on the xml output produced by doxygen.

Consistency of usage of the word latex in the documentation. This tag allows one to insert an image into the documentation. When i generate doxygen documentation in pdf format, i get plenty of different files with a single diagram in each. This section provides an overview of what doxygen is, and why a developer might want to use it. The order of the extra style sheet files is of importance e.

The documentation is written within code, and is thus relatively easy to keep up to date. See section doxygen usage for more detailed usage information the executable doxytag is only needed if you want to generate references to external documentation i. Using this option one can overrule certain style aspects. For more detailed information and to download the doxygen program go to the doxygen website. Im using doxygen to generate documentation for my code. Qtcreator and vim both support basic highlighting so \param, ote. The section layout show how to reorder and hide certain information on a page.

Doxygen provides a handful of ways to customize the output. Section searching shows various ways to search in the html documentation. My question is can i have a different output format, say having both public attribute and member data documentation in the same line save a lot space and easy to read for my case. This page provides a summary of some of the things youll need to know. The section minor tweaks discusses what to do if you want to do minor tweaking to the look and feel of the output. Dec 19, 2014 progress is displayed in console output. It can generate an online documentation browser in html andor an offline reference manual in from a set of documented source files. A configuration file is a freeform ascii text file with a structure that is similar. There youll have to rearrange the various \include and \input lines. Luckily i found doxygenbootstrapped which applies the goodness of bootstrap. Below i show how to insert images such that they appear in both html and pdfs generated by latex. Here only some basic suggestions of how to document your code will be given. Several different types of doxygen comments can be used.

You probably forgot to include the stylesheet doxygen. This is a quick hack for a doxygen css stylesheet which makes the doxygen output look like a normal qt5 documentation. The commentbased markup can be automatically converted to html, pdf or markdown and can be interpreted by many ides e. In order to generate doxygen based documentation, you need to follow four steps. Your development environment should have make tool.

Add examples to latex pdf doxygen manual doxygendoxygen. Doxygen users missing refman tex file for pdf output generation if youre searching for single nonascii characters let me suggest that you write a simple program to check for them. The pdf file will contain links just like the html output instead of page. Note that the rtf output probably only looks nice with microsofts word.

With doxygen my project sources are the documentation. Doxygenusers missing refman tex file for pdf output generation if youre searching for single nonascii characters let me suggest that you write a simple program to check for them. At last count, the pdf file is over three thousand pages. Note that the image files must be placed in a location recognized by doxygen. For pdf output, pdflatex is required as well as a number of tex packages such. It is easy to see which is the effect of the comments.

I trust it is the latex format output coz the output is larger in size than. This file is optimized for importing into the microsoft word. Sep 11, 2019 doxygen miktex pdf underfull hbox and vbox warnings will display suboptimal text in the output. How to create pdf document from doxygen how to create pdf documentation with doxygenmiktex automatically let us suppose you need to make api reference guide with doxygen as a pdf file. Section preprocessing explains how doxygen deals with macro definitions. Be warned the pdf file generated via doxygen is extremely large. In this case the makefile will only contain a target to build refman. It is a compiler which compiles source or text files and extracts the embedded information. The executable doxygen is the main program that parses the sources and. You can also let doxygen use a custom header and footer for each html page it generates, for instance to make the output conform to the style used on the rest. There is also support for generating output in rtf msword, postscript, hyperlinked pdf, compressed html, and.

The documentation is extracted directly from the sources, which makes it much easier to keep the documentation consistent with the source code. It should also mention any large subjects within doxygen, and link out to the related topics. For an introduction to doxygen documentation, see the doxygen primer. Doxygen has many, many features, and accepts various syntaxes for its commands. Jul 29, 2008 figure 1 shows the output from doxygen. In addition to the javadoc syntax, doxygen supports the documentation tags used in the qt toolkit and can generate output in hypertext markup language as well as in microsoft compiled html help chm, rich text format rtf, portable document format pdf, latex, postscript or man pages. Doxygen can cross reference documentation and code, so that the reader of a document can easily refer to the actual code. How to generate pdf documents from doxygen stack overflow. A configuration file is a freeform ascii text file with a structure that is similar to that of a makefile, with the default name doxyfile.

This is useful for generating html documentation andor an offline reference manual from a set of documented source files. The following output formats are indirectly supported by doxygen. The configuration file has a format that is similar to that of a simple makefile. Dli reststyle api reference generated by doxygen 20191212t090956z. To first step in using doxygen to insert doxygen style comments into your code. Section automatic link generation shows how to put links to files, classes, and members in the documentation. There is also support for generating output in rtf msword, postscript, hyperlinked pdf, compressed html, and unix man pages. Glast software has adopted doxygen as our code documentation tool. Like javadoc, doxygen extracts documentation from source file comments. Configuration options related to the html output doxygen manual. Use doxygen help for an explanation of the commandline parameters.

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